Create & Attach an empty Volume

This is the procedure to create and attach a Vitis Volume to your instance.


Step 1: Insure that you are logged into the VMAccel portal:


Step 2: Create a Volume using the following steps:

  • Name your volume

  • Add any description you want

  • Click on the Volume Source and Select “No Source, empty volume “

  • Click on Type and select “_DEFAULT_

  • Click on Size (GiB) and enter the size of the volume you would like to create.

    • For this example, I chose 25

  • Click on Create Volume


Step 3: When the volume has completed building. Check to ensure that there were no errors, you should see something like this:

  • You can click on the “Edit Volume” button to attach or attach the volume from the instance menu. Step 4.


Step 4: Return to the Compute / Instances and attach the new volume to your instance.

NOTE: Think of this as plugging in a USB drive to your PC.

  • Click on the down triangle next to “Create Snapshot”

  • Click on “Attach Volume”

Step 5: Click on the “Select a volume” dropdown menu.

  • Select the Vitis volume you just created and click “Attach Volume”


Step 6: You will need to format the disk in the guest OS before using it to store data.